Business Coach - Words of Wisdom

Wisdom is Knowledge applied


Check out these nuggets of knowledge…

Positivity – Pass It On

Positivity – Pass It On

The world is full of negativity. News of death, war, riots, and road rage seems everywhere. You notice this whenever you turn on the news or go to the store. Why not combat negative people and ideas with a good dose of positivity? You can do it with some simple but...

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My Business Knows No Boundaries

My Business Knows No Boundaries

When our business grows unchecked, it will spill over into our personal lives and take all it can. Far too many business owners find themselves in this situation. The business knows no boundaries and is now taking the time that was supposed to be for friends, family,...

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Business Development Phases (Get Started)

Business Development Phases (Get Started)

What should I expect? Are you wondering, "When is my business ever going to GROW UP?". That is a great question. Fellow small business owners, we all have this question. Understand that business development isn't linear, and the answer is - IT DEPENDS. Look at the...

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