Positivity – Pass It On

by | Jul 19, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

The world is full of negativity. News of death, war, riots, and road rage seems everywhere. You notice this whenever you turn on the news or go to the store. Why not combat negative people and ideas with a good dose of positivity? You can do it with some simple but compelling steps.

Positivity: Change takes place when one person make a decision to act.  Be the person that says, "If it is to be, it is up to me."

Let’s talk about the power of ONE. It starts with ONE person that can make a difference.

Consider Maurice Hilleman, not a household name but his contribution to medicine has touched nearly every person reading this article. A microbiologist, he is responsible for developing over 40 vaccines – He is thought to have saved more lives than any other medical scientist of the 20th century.

The power of ONE starts with each of us. Are you ready to make a difference in your sphere? Here are the 9 baby steps toward bringing light into a darkening world.

9 Tips to Pass On Positivity

  1. Make Smiling a Part of Your Wardrobe: As you prepare in the morning, remember that the best item you can wear is a smile. Everyone looks good with a smile. They are contagious. As you smile at others, you will notice more and more putting on their smiles. That’s a profound fashion statement.
  2. Give Compliments Freely: You know how good you feel when someone tells you they like your new sweater or you look like you are losing weight. Please pay it forward and share a compliment with others. This includes telling a loved one how much you appreciate and love them.
  3. Ask “How Are You?” and Mean It: “How are you” is often used as a friendly gesture. Many people don’t wait to see what the response is. Try looking your co-worker in the eyes, ask them how they are, and then listen to the answer. By doing so, you show you care. 
  4. Be On the Lookout for the Silver Lining: People often get stuck in negative thinking and cannot find positive things. Instead of focusing on the half-empty glass, look at the half-full glass and find the silver lining of each case.
  5. Listen to Others: People want to be heard, especially under strain and stress. Offer your time and ears to sit down and listen to someone struggling. Sometimes that is all it takes to help someone feel better and more positive.
  6. Make Someone’s Day with an Act of Kindness: Random acts of kindness go far in encouraging positivity. Pay for someone’s drink at the coffee shop. Open the door and let another customer enter the store ahead of you.
  7. Play Some Uplifting Music Music enhances our emotions. Find some commercial jingles from your childhood and sing along with your friends. If you are feeling down, enjoy some cheesy 80s songs or a polka.
  8. Use Social Media for Good Scroll through your social media feed for too long, and you can quickly become depressed. Resist the urge to put your negativity into the pool. Instead, post some positive quotes or pictures that will make others smile. Share happy stories.
  9. Be an Encourager People who struggle through a tough spot in life need a cheerleader. Encourage a friend or family member to keep their chin up and continue moving forward. Let them know you believe in them.

POSITIVITY – TAKE ACTION – 3 Fast Action Steps You Can Take

Positivity:  The journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.  Take your first step toward making a difference in your community.
  1. Decide today to stop spreading negativity. Enhance this choice by choosing one tip to focus on this week. You might start by smiling more. They are free for you and priceless to others.

  2. Go through your social media contacts, looking for those who tend to be the most negative. Decide who you can unfollow or unfriend, and do so. Removing access to toxic people will help you stay on the path to a more positive mindset.

  3. Think about the last time you spoke to your mom, dad, sister, or other family members. If it has been a while, call them and share how much you appreciate them being in your life.

Commit to Make Your Space Better

Are you ready to join me in bringing Positivity into our sphere? Would you be willing to send a message? Cut and paste this message into this email link HERE. “I am positive I want to make a difference – You can count on me – I am all in.”

Would you like more positive tips for your personal development or business growth? Visit my YouTube channel for some great videos.

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